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Winter weather in Marmaris

Daily high temperatures drop by 2°C from 17°C to 15°C, rarely below 9°C or exceeding 20°C. The lowest average daily high temperature is 14 °C on 7 February.

Daily minimum temperatures drop 2°C, drop from 9°C to 7°C, rarely fall below 2°C or exceed 13°C. The lowest average daily minimum temperature is 6 °C on 23 January.

For reference, on July 28, the hottest day of the year, temperatures in #Marmaris typically range from 23°C to 33°C, while on January 22, the coldest day of the year, it ranges from 6°C to 14°C. .


While the percentage of cloudy or partly cloudy conditions in Marmaris remains at around 42% during #winter, mostly cloud cover remains constant. The highest chance of cloudy or partly cloudy weather on January 2 is 45%.

The clearest day of winter is February 16, with 60% of the sky clear, mostly clear or partly cloudy.

For reference, on January 1, the cloudiest day of the year, the probability of cloudy or mostly cloudy conditions is 45%, while on July 13, the clearest day of the year, the sky is 45% likely to be clear, mostly clear or partly cloudy. It is 100% .


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